Fernando & his wife arrived late last night, and Greg from Seattle even later. A solo performance.
I met with the Level Two at 09.30. We set 3 areas to address:
the calisthenic; physical concerns with left & right hands on the guitar
fingerboard knowledge;
one personal item of practising the person.
Everyone is asked to choose one small issue in each area to focus upon, with a clear aim for what is being undertaken. Define the aim simply, clearly, briefly, positively. Then, how well we do in addressing that aim can be clearly verified.
There is a bus leaving with "C Major" on it. It will be leaving & if you are not on board you will be left behind. Guitar Craft is moving on.
Then, at 10.00, the first Level One group meeting with guitars. We began where we were, then moved to circulating, then to beginning the First Primary. Martin, Luciano & Guillermo took over at that point.
A solo performance at lunchtime of two pieces by the breakfast player. One of his pieces was the same as at breakfast but this time without a reliance on visual cues: he wore a blindfold. Plus a performance by The Hell Boys. Several comments were made on the morning's work.
Level Two have begun addressing chords in C major, and the scale of G major.
Level One have moved to counting while circulating, but counting four bars of seven all at one go - while sitting on chairs and breathing - is presently a step too far. They have also been shown two magic chords.
Several good comments over dinner, plus a new arrival for the Kitchen Team and 2 guests for the weekend.
The large guitar circle included nearly all the guitar players in the house. Circulating, counting and thrakking.